Friday, July 16, 2010

GRAND Torino

Why'd I wait so long to watch this movie?
 I have to admit, I've only ever seen two Clint Eastwood movies. Okay, Okay, amidst all your booing and jeering, I'd like the opportunity to defend myself. I really dont get the whole western thing, and to my knowledge, thats as far as Clint Easwood's repetoire went until Million Dollar Baby. For me, Clint Eastwood conjures up images of  dust(a lot of it), tumbleweed and a predictable 'This town aint big enough for the both us' climax. The movie poster doesn't help either. It feels like Clint is staring me down with a 'Its either me or you' look , and for a while I was happy to let it be him, until I stumbled upon Gran Torino as one of M-Nets sunday movies and gave a try. I've seen it two other times since, and loved every minute of it. Clint Eastwood plays a let-down-by-life , over the hill Vietnam who insists on living in the 'old neighbourhood' even though it's since become hood from neighbourhood, and has been occupied by Hwong(he's a flaming racist.)  He unintentionally endears himself to the Hwong community and befriends his Hwong neighbours.

The movie has its typical 'My life has meaning again' moments, but the story is told so sincerely that one can forgive all the cheesey, predictable moments. It ends in a song co-written by Clint Eastwood and one of my favourite artists, Jamie Cullum. It is a poignant movie, carefully balancing the heavier and darker moments , and rounded off by the song of the same title, which is as an integral part of the movie as the main characters themselves.
Here is the song....

Clint Eastwood & Jamie Cullum - Gran Torino .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

So tenderly/your story is/nothing more than what you see/or what you've done/or will become/standing strong/do you belong/on your skin/Just wondering
Gentle now the tender breeze blows/whispering through the Gran Torino/whistling another tired song
Engines humm and bitter dreams grow/heart locked in a Gran Torino/it beats a lonely rythm all night long
Realign/all the stars/above my head/warning signs/travel far/i drink instead/on my own/oh how I've known/he battle scars/and worn out beds
Those streets are old/they shine with the things I've known/and breaks through my skin/they're sparkling
your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind
May I be so bold/and still need someone to hold/that shudders my skin/they're sparkling

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