Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Response to Pable Neruda: This will not be the last pain he makes me suffer

.Dear Pablo , or is it Mr. Neruda.

I apologise but I've acquired this sense of familiarity with you from having read all your poems and having "Tonight I can write the saddest " somewhere on my persons for the past six years. It seems that , although you are a great poet , you are also an incredibly unrealistc romantic. Yes, granted, when you wrote that poem , the whole world seemed to be in love, but why , for heavens sake's , would you expect the whole to come to a standstill because of your heartbreak?

Peoples hearts' break ; humans, in their nature , are dissappointing. What kind of narcissim would expect that your love would last, even with history provng the opposite?

I have taken your poem off my wall, it romanticises heartbreak in a manner that makes that kind of hurt appealing in that it makes one a better person by adding complexity and intruigue to their character. Youur poem may be based on fact and personal experience , but the conclusion of it is completely untrue. It took me 20 odd years to realise this.

This will not be the last line I write , nor will it be the last pain he makes me suffer.

A broken fan, but a fan still.

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